/ Romeo and Juliet


Sergei Prokofiev

Romeo and Juliet

Ballet in 2 acts (12+)



About the performance
Authors and directors
Джульетта - [[Кристина Андреева]]
Ромео - [[Вагнер де Карвальо]]
Меркуцио - [[Олег Ивенко]]
Тибальд - [[Антон Полодюк]]
Бенволио - [[Аскар Самигуллин]]
Парис - [[Ильнур Гайфуллин]]
Дирижер - [[Нуржан Байбусинов]] (Казахский театр оперы и балета им.Абая)

Дирекция театра оставляет за собой право замены исполнителей.
Ballet in 2 acts (12+)    

Choreography by Boris Myagkov
2017 Production
Музыка Сергея Прокофьева
Либретто Л.Лавровского, С.Прокофьева, С.Радлова, А.Пиотровского по одноименной драме У.Шекспира 
Хореография Бориса Мягкова

Музыкальный руководитель постановки - Ренат Салаватов
Балетмейстер-постановщик - Владимир Яковлев
Видеопроекции - Дмитрий Шамов
The ballet begins with feuding between the Capulets and the Montagues. Wearing a disguise, Romeo Montague crashes a party at the Capulet house, where he meets Juliet Capulet. He falls instantly in love with her. The two secretly proclaim their eternal love for each other, on the balcony.  

Hoping to finally put an end to the family feud, Friar Laurence secretly marries the couple. But the fueding continues: Juliet's cousin Tybalt kills Romeo's friend Mercutio during a fight. A distraught Romeo kills Tybalt in a fit of revenge, and is sent into exile.  

Juliet turns to Friar Laurence for help, so he devises a plan to help her. Juliet is to drink a sleeping potion to make her appear dead. Her family will then bury her. Friar Laurence will then tell Romeo the truth; he will rescue her from her tomb and take her away, where they will live together happily ever after.  

That night, Juliet drinks the potion. When her distraught family finds her dead the next morning, they proceed to bury her. The news of Juliet's death reaches Romeo, and he returns home deperately grieving. (He never received the message from Friar Laurence.) Believing that Juliet is really dead, he drinks poison. When Juliet awakens, she sees that Romeo is dead and stabs herself.