/ Don Quixote


Ludwig Minkus

Don Quixote

Балет в 3 действиях (12+)



About the performance
Authors and directors
Китри - [[Кристина Андреева]]
Базиль - [[Олег Ивенко]]
Дон Кихот - [[Глеб Кораблев]]
Санчо Панса - [[Фаяз Валиахметов]]
Эспада - [[Ильнур Гайфуллин]]
Дирижер - [[Ренат Салаватов]]

Дирекция театра оставляет за собой право замены исполнителей.
Ballet in 3 acts

Choreography by  Marius Petipa and Alexander Gorsky
2015 Production
Музыка Людвига Минкуса
Либретто Мариуса Петипа по роману Мигеля де Сервантеса
Хореография Мариуса Петипа и Александра Горского 

Музыкальный руководитель постановки – Ренат Салаватов 
Балетмейстер-постановщик – Владимир Яковлев
Художник-постановщик – Виктор Герасименко 
Художник по костюмам – Виктория Хархалуп  
Видеопроекции – Даниил Герасименко 
Don Quixote's Study 

Bachelor Sanson Carrasco is seen covering a bookcase with wallpaper, while Antonina is putting some rusty old armour and a helmet made of pasteboard into a cupboard. 

Don Quixote enters, reading a book. He goes to the bookcase and, not finding it, believes it has been stolen by evil magicians. Then he settles into and armchair and continues reading. He delights in stories of brave knights, fabulous giants and other fantastical creatures. Gradually he nods and falls asleep to dream of their romantic adventures. Darkness falls. 

Suddenly his servant, Sancho Panza, climbs hurriedly through the window. In pursuit are several angry women from whom he has filched a chicken. Awakened by the commotion, Don Quixote sends the women away. 

He tells Sancho that he is determined to seek adventures as a knight-errant. He shows him the pasteboard helmet, which, with one sweep from his sword, becomes a shapeless mass on the floor. Antonina suggests that he should use a basin instead, which would make a splendid helmet. Don Quixote enthusiastically agrees and, placing it on his head, orders Sancho to bring him his armour, sword and spear, and to make ready his horse, Rosinante. 

A market-place in Barcelona 

Kitri, an inn-keeper's daughter, steals out of her house to meet her beloved, the barber Basilio. Her father, Lorenzo, sees the lovers and sends Basilio away, bringing her to tears. 

Now comes the rich nobleman Gamache, who, likewise in love with Kitri, goes to Lorenzo and asks for his daughter's hand. The innkeeper accepts with delight, but Kitri, appalled at the thought of wedding the foppish nobleman, runs away. 

Dancing begins in the square and some toreadors try to kidnap the girls they fancy, but their relatives and lovers hasten to their aid. At this moment Don Quixote arrives mounted on Rosinante, followed by Sancho, who is riding a donkey. At his master's command Sancho sounds his horn. 

Lorenzo runs out of his inn, and Don Quixote, taking him for a lord of a famous castle, dismounts Rosinante and, falling to his knees, begs to be allowed to serve him. Lorenzo invites the knight to sit on his balcony. 

Sancho remains in the square where he is surrounded by girls who induce him to take part in a game of blind man's buff. Then some boys bring in a blanket on which they place Sancho and proceed to toss him into the air. Don Quixote hurries to his assistance and sets him free. 

Peasants gather in the square and dancing resumes. Kitri returns and, noticing her, Don Quixote acclaims her as his Dulcinea, whom evil magicians have reduced to human form. Becoming jealous of her affection for Basilio, Don Quixote attempts to woo her by partnering her in a minuet. Soon the dancing in the square continues, and Kitri and Basilio run away. Don Quixote orders Sancho to bring Rosinante, and sets out in pursuit. 

The interior of an inn 

Kitri enters with Basilio and joins those with those who are dancing. At the height of the merriment, Lorenzo and Gamache arrive, followed by Don Quixote and Sancho. Seeing his daughter, Lorenzo decides to give his blessing to her union with the nobleman. Basilio becomes annoyed and, reproaching Kitri for her unfaithfulness, draws a sword and stabs himself. As he lies dying he begs Lorenzo to unite him to Kitri, but Lorenzo and Gamache refuse. 

Don Quixote approaches Gamache and challenges him to a duel for having refused a dying man's wish. Gamache declines to fight and the merrymakers drive him out of the inn. Taking pity, Lorenzo agrees to unite Basilio and Kitri. At this moment, Basilio pulls out the sword and tells everyone it was a joke. 

A camp of gypsies among the windmills outside the village 

A clown is seen walking with Graziosa, the gypsy chief's daughter. A gypsy tells the chief of the approach of Don Quixote. The chief plans a trick for his benefit and, putting on a mantle crown, sits down as though he were a king on a throne. Don Quixote is deceived and kneels to the chief in homage. The chief bids that he sit beside him and orders a festival to be given in his honour. This begins with Gypsy dances and is followed by a performance of the marionette theatre. 

Don Quixote is delighted with the entertainment but, mistaking the heroine for Dulcinea and the marionettes for soldiers attacking her, he rises to assault them. The gypsies are terrified. At this moment the clown and Graziosa run away. 

Flushed with victory, the knight kneels and renders thanks to heaven. Seeing the moon, he takes it for Dulcinea and tries to get to her. As he approaches the windmills he can see the moon no longer and thinks that evil magicians have hidden his mistress. So, spear in hand, he tilts at the wings of the windmill, which he mistakes for a giant. Alas, the knight is caught by one of the wings and flung into the air. He falls unconscious at Sancho's feet. 

A forest 

Through the trees appears Sancho leading Rosinante, upon which sits the wounded knight. The servant lifts his master down and places him on the grass, so that he can rest. Then, tying up the horse, he goes to sleep. Don Quixote also tries to sleep, but is troubled by fantastic dreams. 

The enchanted Garden of Dulcinea 

Fairies appear surrounded by gnomes, and Don Quixote finds himself dressed in shining armor. Them come a succession of fearsome monsters, the last being a gigantic spider, who spins a web. The knight attacks the spider, which he slashes in half with his sword. At that same moment the spider's web vanishes to reveal a beautiful garden. At the entrance stands Dulcinea, surrounded by Dryads. Don Quixote kneels before his beloved. At this moment everything vanishes. 

The Duke's hunting grounds 

The sound of hunting horns is heard and through the clearing appears the Duke and his retinue. He awakens Don Quixote, who falls on his knees in homage. The Duke invites the knight to accompany him to his castle for a fiesta. 

The Duke's Castle 

It is fiesta time. Don Quixote watches the dancing with the Duke and Duchess. Suddenly the Knight of the Silver Moon challenges him to a duel, which results in the latter being vanquished. 

The victorious knight proves to be none other than Bachelor Sanson Carrasco, who forces Don Quixote to vow that he will not unsheath his sword for a whole year. The sorrowful knight, true to his vow, takes up his warlike gear and, followed by Sancho, sets out for home. 

Although many of the incidents in Cervantes's novel were used in the ballet's original libretto, several of them are often omitted in modern productions, thereby simplifying the plot. Often, in modern productions, Don Quixote does not smash his pasteboard helmet, but sets out with the shaving basin right from the beginning. Nor does he watch a puppet show and demolish the marionettes, and Sancho's tossing in the blanket is now also frequently omitted, as is the duel with the Knight of the Silver Moon. In both Nureyev and Baryshnikov's productions, Sanson Carrasco and Antonina do not appear at all - Quixote and Sancho simply ride off after Kirti and Basilio, now married, perform their pas de deux as part of the wedding celebration, and the ballet ends. However, the windmill sequence is never omitted in productions of the ballet, although in both the Nureyev and the Baryshnikov productions, it takes place before the wedding, not after.