/ Coppelia


Leo Delibes


Ballet in 3 acts (6+)



About the performance
Authors and directors
Сванильда - [[Аманда Гомес]]

Франц - [[Вагнер де Карвальо]]

Коппелиус - [[Глеб Кораблев]]

Чардаш - [[Михаил Тимаев]]

Молитва - [[Каролина Заборне]]

Аврора - [[Таис Диоженес]]

Дирижер - [[Ренат Салаватов]]

Дирекция театра оставляет за собой право замены исполнителей
Ballet in 3 acts (0+)

Choreography by Arthur Saint-Leon, Marius Petipa,  Enrico Cheketti 
2007 Production
Музыка Лео Делиба
Либретто Ш.Нюиттера и А.Сен-Леона по мотивам новеллы Гофмана "Песочный человек"
Хореография Артюра Сен-Леона, Мариуса Петипа, Энрико Чекетти

Музыкальный руководитель постановки - Ренат Салаватов
Балетмейстер – постановщик – Владимир Яковлев
Сценография и костюмы – Анна Нежная (Москва) 

The story of Coppelia concerns a mysterious and faintly diabolical inventor, Doctor Coppelius who has made a life-size dancing doll. It is so lifelike that Franz, a village swain, is infatuated with it, and sets aside his true heart's desire, Swanhilde, who in Act II shows him his folly by dressing as the doll and pretending to come to life. The festive wedding-day divertissements in the village square that occupy Act III are often deleted in modern danced versions, though one of the entrées was the first czardas presented on a ballet stage.